Being Adopted
Being Adopted is a safe and open place where adopted people can feel at home searching for answers without feeling judged. Where you can find practical advice and feel part of a community of shared stories. A place where you belong that can offer help and support – allowing you to accept and move on.
I created Being Adopted because, at various points in my life, when feeling lost, isolated, angry or just bewildered, I looked for help and mostly couldn’t find it. So I made a promise to create a place of belonging and help for others who’ve walked in similar shoes; this is the outcome of that promise. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you are adopted and have other ideas that would help a place like this.
I have created three areas in the Being Adopted place, and provided resources for each:
Personal Stories
If you are feeling alone or different it can often help to read the stories of other people with similar experiences. Being adopted is often deliberately not talked about and so story-telling can offer a vivid way to share our experiences. Stories don’t have to be long, or particularly well-written, their power is in their sharing.
Help and Advice
People who have been adopted are often in need of help; I certainly was. It’s not always easy, either to know who to ask or even to find the courage to try. Advice might be basic and practical, for instance in discovering your past. Or you might need help of a more psychological nature, in terms of coming to terms with your situation. My aim here is create a community that can help each other to help itself. And also to offer whatever help and advice I can.
Please contact me if you have any questions you are looking for answers to.
Published Material
My intention in to provide reviews and tips on all the material I can find on being adopted. This might be books, websites, podcasts, interviews, films. Anything really that speaks to the experience of being adopted.
If you know of anything you would like me to review; or if there is anything you want to review yourself, please let me know.