Resources for becoming an eco-citizen

Here you will find articles categorised using the model I have created for becoming an eco-citizen. They cover topics help me understand how I might make a useful contribution to a changing world. I hope they help you similarly; please let me know if there are other resources you think are worth including.

Coaching Community Collaboration
Make Small changes, Dream Big Nick Mabey Make Small changes, Dream Big Nick Mabey

Coaching Community Collaboration

How might I, as a coach and facilitator, contribute more helpfully to the climate and societal challenges the world is facing today. And what might that require of me and my coaching practice? These are the two questions that have occupying much of my time this year and so I’ve decided to organise a coaching community collaboration, made up of unlikely bedfellows – a retreat in nature and an on-line book club.

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A New And Ancient Story
Dream Big Nick Mabey Dream Big Nick Mabey

A New And Ancient Story

I have been a fan of Charles Eisenstein’s writing for a long time now and actually attended one of his courses at Schumacher College in 2015. I guess I would describe him as a thinker and a dreamer; someone who applies intellectual rigour to some pretty radical ideas. While I accept that he won’t be to everyone’s taste, his words resonate deeply with me. And so when I was invited to join his new on-line community, called A New And Ancient Story, I didn’t hesitate.

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