Resources for becoming an eco-citizen
Here you will find articles categorised using the model I have created for becoming an eco-citizen. They cover topics help me understand how I might make a useful contribution to a changing world. I hope they help you similarly; please let me know if there are other resources you think are worth including.
Nature Immersion For Climate Distress
The eagle-eyed among you will notice I’ve not published any articles on the environment for a few months. I tell myself it’s because I’ve become busy with work and life in this post-pandemic period. Or that perhaps I’m distracted by more imminent crises. The truth of it though is that I’ve got stuck in my own enquiry about what it means to be an ordinary person fully present to, and in service of, a changing world – a term I call being an eco-citizen.
Let’s Go Local
I’ve been a follower, and occasional advocate, of the the Local Futures community for a few years now, having met the founder, Helena Norberg-Hodge, at Schumacher College in 2015. It’s an international non-profit organization dedicated to renewing ecological and social wellbeing by strengthening communities and local economies worldwide. And it’’s latest offering is a Localisation Action Guide, that I really like.
Rethink X
In the 2020s we stand at a crossroads. In one direction we face collapse, caused by resistance to change and a clinging on to the age of extraction as it falls apart around us. In the other we see a breakthrough to the Age of Freedom, where embracing new, largely technology-led, ways of being takes us to a bright future we can barely imagine. So speaks James Arbib and Tony Seba, the authors of the ambitiously titled Rethinking Humanity, published in June 2020.
There Is No Planet B
“When the challenges are so global, and each one of us so small, it can be tempting, but wrong, to think there is nothing an individual can do to help humans get a grip. To do so is a cop out.” I was so happy not to have read this book before I thought up the section of Still Waters on becoming and eco-citizen. And I was even happier to read it almost immediately after my new website went live.
Climate Solutions 101
If you are looking for a powerful, easy to understand lesson on potential solutions to the climate change challenges we are facing then I would certainly try out this short series of videos from the good people of Project Drawdown.
Project Drawdown
Project Drawdown brought me hope when I was facing the enormity of climate change implications. It also offered structure and credibility to something that seemed complex and hopeless. And so when it came to becoming an eco-citizen I decided I would use it as a template and framework for my focus on supporting large change in the world.
Ending Extreme Poverty
I found out about the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) and their Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative (UPGI) via this Ted Talk.