Resources for becoming an eco-citizen

Here you will find articles categorised using the model I have created for becoming an eco-citizen. They cover topics help me understand how I might make a useful contribution to a changing world. I hope they help you similarly; please let me know if there are other resources you think are worth including.

Say No To Plastic
Make Small changes Nick Mabey Make Small changes Nick Mabey

Say No To Plastic

I bought Say No to Plastic, 101 Easy Ways to Use Less Plastic by Harriet Dyer while queuing in Waterstones for my annual pilgrimage to the shopping extravaganza that is Christmas. It was one of the tempting little books that sits near the check-out begging for an impulsive purchase.

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Rescuing Food Destined For Landfill
Make Small changes Nick Mabey Make Small changes Nick Mabey

Rescuing Food Destined For Landfill

It’s always disheartening to read about how much food never makes it to our plates. There are a number of reasons for this and the one I want to focus on here is fruit and vegetables that end up being diverted to landfill because they are the wrong size, shape or colour, or because there is a surplus. Up until the lockdown I didn’t even realise this was a thing. I had heard stories about misshapen veg but had assumed (wrongly as it turn out) that these were used in some other way in the food system.

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Dream Big Fruitful Studio Dream Big Fruitful Studio


I’ve got this underlying belief going in my work and life that is based partly on a primary school knowledge of quantum theory and, more importantly, an innate feeling that it is true. The belief is that we are all somehow totally connected to each other and everything. It might sound a bit ‘out there’, which is when I reach for the quantum theory language. Something like the universe being made of energy more than cells.

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